Abdlmuhsin Hassen Alajib (Ph.D)
(Research and Technology Transfer Vice President )
Message from ASU Research and Technology Transfer Vice President
Dear Visitors of our website,
It gives me a great pleasure to welcome you all to this official website on behalf of the Office of Vice President for Research and Community Services. Assosa University is a public higher education institution established in 2011. It is located in the capital city of Benishangul Gumuz Regional State, 659 kms west of Addis Ababa where the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is under construction. It is the first University in the Region. Its logo expresses its good specialty of the Renaissance Dam and Gold producing Region.
It is known that conducting research and providing community service are among the major responsibilities of Universities. Accordingly, Assosa University (ASU) is doing its best in carrying out problem-solving research and demand-driven community services. The University surrounding is endowed with different research potentials. The two major areas of excellence in its effort of contributing to GTP of the country in line with situation of the region where it is located are Agriculture and Natural Resource Conservation as Deforestation, wild fire are the bottle necks and Geology and Mineral (Mining) because of the existence of different types of geological and mineral resources. It has a vision of becoming one of the top ten research universities in Ethiopia by 2025 G.C.
As higher education institution, emphasis has been given for research that focuses on solving the nation’s problems and transfer of appropriate technologies for various applications. The researches are based on the community need where thematic areas for research and community services are identified at university and academic unit level of the university. The office of the Vice President for Research and Community Service which is accountable to the President plays pivotal role in guiding and determining the research and community service initiatives being carried out by the University for the community.
The Vice President for Research and Community Service is responsible to:
- Administer/direct financial issues of research projects funded and executed by the Institute/ college/school/unit;
- Work in cooperation with the researchers, academic staff, and relevant heads of programs to develop and maintain optimum conditions for the performance of Research and Community Service at the highest possible levels;
- Collect research and community service performance reports from various units;
- Plan and maintain the research and community service schedules of different units;
- Make sure research issues raised from the community (university and local) problems and the outcome is sustained by the community;
- Make sure programs are more research focused with thematic areas raised from the development goals of the country and teaching and community activity is benefited from the research outcome;
- Identify capacity building requirements for research and community service process;
- Plan and prepare budget requirements for research and community service undertakings.
- Supervise the day-to-day activities of research teams, staff and has overall financial responsibility for the assigned budget;
- Keep record of all value adding research and community service activities;
- Organize and manage research activities;
- Organize annual work plan for research and community service and make it available in the internet ;
- Organize seminars, conferences and workshops to encourage academics to take part in research and community service;
The following 5 Directorates being accountable to VPRCS assist in implementing multi-disciplinary research and community-oriented works to fulfill university’s mandate
- Research Directorate
- Community Service Directorate
- Entrepreneurship and Cultural Centre
- Technology Innovation and Transfer Directorate
- University-Industry Linkage Directorate
Areas of Collaboration (Partnership)
Assosa University is interested to establish partnership in the following main areas:-
- Staff Development Programs: Staff exchange and academic staff capacity building programs (through training, experience sharing and staff exchange)
- Leadership Experience Sharing
- Student Exchange Program
- Joint (Collaborative) Graduate program
- Collaborative Research and Research Capacity Building Program; (Doing joint research, Team research, professional trainings on research skill development, sharing research resources and experiences)
- Joint Project Work and Community Engagement Activities
- Enhancing and advancing laboratory and ICT equipment
- Publishing and distributing research journals
- Natural Resource Conservation(GERD related)
- Women empowering
- Enhancing quality education
Therefore, our university warmly welcomes all interested researchers, governmental and non-governmental organizations/institutions, stakeholders to work in collaboration for common goals.
Contact information:
Mobile: 0911284201
P. O. Box : 18