Kemal Abdurahim (PhD)
( Assosa University President )
Welcome to Assosa University!
Our government has given due attention to education in the past years. Education is taken as a key weapon to fight against poverty. In order to accomplish the mission and vision of fighting against poverty the government has established higher institutions with the objectives of producing qualified experts who would help solve the problems of the community. Among the higher institutions in Ethiopia, Assosa University is one of them.
Assosa University (ASU) is one of the Public Universities in Ethiopia, which was established in May2011 by the Council of Ministers decree number 215/2011. Since its establishment, Assosa University has delivered amazing achievements for the communities we serve. The university serves the community based on the three pillars- Teaching learning, Research and Community service. As we embark on the ninth years of work, our many strengths and lessons we have learnt in the life of the university position us to provide even more impact. I believe our future success will be defined in part by our ability to contribute to the solution of society’s most intimidating problems, bringing to bear the full intellectual might of our academic breadth and depth. Initiatives and new endeavors we have launched- building general hospital, community school which we have granted land from the regional government, in recent years are helping to unleash colleges and schools creativity in innovative ways. More than any other university, we have the potential to be so much more than the sum of our many excellent parts. It’s this potential to have a positive impact on the society we serve that represents our greatest value as a university. Our university is working on realizing the breadth of our commitment to society and our mission to advance the public good through research, education and community service. Assosa University is everyone’s university, and our focus is on YOU customers. Programs at Assosa University have been designed to prepare individuals to thrive in a dynamic, global environment, to appreciate the creativity of humans and to acquire the skills to contribute to ongoing creative processes.
As a university president I could realize that this all possibilities ahead of us requires us a university community to scarify ourselves to the realization of the mission and visions of the university vested on higher education from the government and community. I have come to acquitted with the experience of presidency since my appointment. It provides me exciting experiences and helps me to meet fascinating people.
The university is placed in Benishangul Gumuz Regional State. The region has rich, untapped natural resources, the significant ones so far known are Gold and Marble. About half a million hectare of low land Bamboo is found in the region which amounts 50% of Ethiopia’s low land bamboo forest. The Region is also known with Mango fruit, Gum and Incense. The Blue Nile (Abay) river reaches its maximum flow in this region as it is joined by its tributaries, Dedesa, Anger, Dindir, Dabus and Beles thereby crossing vast areas of plane land suitable for irrigation. Moreover, the region is home of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.
I would like to invite any interested public and private organizations to work in partnership with my university for the success of better life for everyone on the earth.
Address: E-mail getkemal@yahoo.com
Tele: +251-577-7-509-77
Mob. +251-979-60-00-08