Melkamu Deressa Amantie (PhD)
( Assosa University Academic Affairs Vice President )
Office of the Academic Affairs Vice President at Assosa University
The Office of the Academic Affairs Vice President (AVP) at Assosa University is committed to leading, coordinating, and facilitating the university’s academic initiatives.
Major Duties and Responsibilities:
- Leadership and Oversight: Direct and manage the development of undergraduate and graduate academic programs, as well as continuing education, distance education, teaching and learning support, staff affairs, the registrar’s office, library services, and academic standards and quality enhancement.
- Strategic Planning: Provide leadership in establishing academic priorities, developing program plans, recruiting and developing faculty, and managing academic initiatives.
- Collaboration with Administration: Work closely with the President to support academic affairs and collaborate with other Vice Presidents to define the university’s academic vision, priorities, and policies.
- Policy Development: Develop and oversee the implementation of policies, rules, and guidelines governing academic programs, academic and technical staff, and students.
- Mission Facilitation: Advance the university’s mission and academic goals by establishing relevant programs, policies, procedures, and standards for faculty and staff selection, evaluation, and development, alongside academic program reviews and resource allocation.
- Staff Employment and Promotion: Ensure that the employment and promotion of academic staff comply with the university’s rules and procedures.
- Institutional Coordination: Coordinate and contextualize the university’s various colleges, programs, and services to maintain a cohesive institutional perspective.
- Strategic Initiatives: Develop and implement institutional-level planning initiatives essential for the university’s strategic positioning.
- Program Reviews: Coordinate periodic academic program reviews and collaborate with academic units on curriculum development and instructional improvement.
- Industry Collaboration: Establish and facilitate partnerships with industries and other institutions to support the university’s mission.
- Graduate Preparation: Ensure that programs of study equip graduates with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to meet the country’s needs.
- Strategic and Operational Oversight: Ensure that strategic and operational plans are established for colleges and reporting units, monitor best practices, assess performance, and promote positive internal and external relations.
- Presidential Responsibilities: Execute any responsibilities delegated by the President.
Organizational Structure
The Academic Vice President oversees seven colleges, one school and seven offices that support various academic functions at Assosa University. The university is organized into the following colleges, schools, and directorates:
- College of Engineering
- College of Informatics and Computing
- College of Agriculture and natural Resources
- College of Natural and Computational Sciences
- College of Social Sciences and Humanities
- College of Business and Economics
- College of Health Sciences
- School of Law
Directorates Accountable to the Academic Affairs Vice President:
- Academic affairs special support office
- Academic Program and Staff Development Directorate
- Academic standards and quality enhancement
- Laboratory and workshop Directorate
- Main Registrar Directorate
- Colleges Registrar Office
- Library and Documentation Services
Melkamu Deressa Amentie(PhD)
Academic affairs Vice president
Office No: +251-577-750-692
Mobile: +251-912-188-612
Email: avp@asu.edu.et or melkamu@asu.edu.et