Assosa University

Assosa University Senate Approved Academic Promotion of Dr. Desta Ejeta;

March 23,2023 GC.

In its ordinary meeting held this morning, Assosa University Senate approved the academic promotion of Dr. Desta Ejeta Fereda to the rank of Associate Professor of Entomology.

Dr. Desta Ejeta is a senior faculty member at the College of Natural and Computational Science and Researcher at the Center for Tropical and Infectious Disease at the University. His promotion to the rank of Associate Professor was approved in accordance with the academic staff promotion guideline and has passed through different evaluation levels starting from the department in which he has been serving.

His outstanding engagement in teaching, research, and community services as well as his commitment in extra-tasks assigned to him were among the points of evaluations in his promotion. He has scored a total point of 97.97% against all the evaluation criterion and the senate has unanimously approved his promotion today.

March 23,2023

Office of the Public and International Relations Directorate

Assosa, Ethiopia

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