
Dr. Befikadu Zewudie Girma
Dean for College of Agriculture and Natural Resource
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Cell phone: +2519112127099
Welcome to Assosa University College of Agriculture and Natural Resource
Dear Visitors,
I am excited to share with you the highlights of College of Agriculture and Natural Resource (COANR) work. Assosa University College of Agriculture and Natural Resource is located in Benishangul-Gumuz Regional state, in the Western Ethiopia, which possessing enormous agricultural potential and comparatively rich natural resources particularly livestock, forest, water, soil and biological diversity (flora and fauna).
Throughout the historical developments of the College, there had been many ups and downs that the college had to pass as hurdles to step to have the current platform. As it is inherent in an applied differentiation of Assosa University, the college strives for rendering an education that is more practically oriented to provide students with the skills that capacitate them to solve the real problems of the society in the area of agriculture.
Currently, the college has mission to offer training of high caliber, practically oriented, competent and responsive professionals in the fields of agriculture with integrated, applied and problem solving research and services/extension. For the successful accomplishment of its mission, the college has a number of teaching and training facilities, which have been acquired through the course of existence for more than ten years and it will provide advisory services whenever and wherever development activities are initiated. Currently the college has 7 under graduate and 6 post-graduate in MSc programs.
Bachelor’s Degree Programs
- Agricultural Economics
- Animal Science
- Plant Science
- Natural Resource Management
- Soil and Watershed Management
- Environmental Science
- Veterinary Science
Master Programs
- Master of Science in Animal Production
- Master of Science in Plant Protection
- Master of Science in Agronomy
- Master of Science in Soil Sciences
- Master of Science in Animal Genetic and Breeding
- Master of Science in Animal health