College / Engineering
Engineering College

Mr. Abera Eshetu Tadesse
Dean for College of Engineering
Welcome to Assosa University College of Engineering
Dear Visitors,
Assosa University is one of the 3rd Generations Universities in Ethiopia which was established in 2011 G.C. It was differentiated as Applied Science Universities in the country and Engineering is one among the focus areas.
As part of Assosa University, Engineering College offers 6 undergraduate degree programs: Civil Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Construction Technology and Management, Water Resource and Irrigation Engineering and Surveying Engineering.
One of the biggest achievements of the college in the study program is the opening of Postgraduate Program in the field of Communication Engineering and Networking under Electrical and Computer Engineering department, Hydraulic Engineering under Civil Engineering department and Sustainable Energy Engineering under Mechanical Engineering department.
The core Strategy of Assosa University College of Engineering is to pursue the University’s vision and mission to enhance its research, linkage with industry, academic and scholarly activities and become a center of excellence for its programs, thereby improving its eminence in the University nationally and internationally rankings. It is observed that most of the developed countries maintain a strong relationship between the universities and the industries.
Currently, College of Engineering has enrolled 385 students’ in undergraduate regular programs, 152 students in undergraduate non-regular programs, and 11 students in post-graduate regular program, 39 students in post-graduate non-regular programs. The College has also 173 instructors on work, 26 instructors on study leave and 32 laboratory technicians (27 on work and 5 on study leave).
The College runs teaching and learning activities with 11 computer laboratories, 10 hard laboratories and 4 workshops.
Through a challenging academic program, diverse student organizations and exciting extracurricular activities, Engineering College encourages students to build a better World.