Assosa University

RCS/Entrepreneurship & Culture Center

Entrepreneurship and Cultural Center, Duties and Responsibility

Elfneh Kebamo Sidemo

Assistant Professor

Management and Director of Entrepreneurship and Cultural Center, Assosa University, Ethiopia

Address:-Mob. +251-920335918


  1. Preserving & nurturing a Culture of entrepreneurship & a Culture & providing fun arts Community Services.
  2. Facilitating a discussion on traditional arts, creating awareness
  3. Provide Consulting & Training Services to different sections of the Community through a study of Current national & international entrepreneurship strategies.
  4. Developing & disseminating Vocational training Courses on language &Culture research.
  5. Providing theatrical Services to teach & develop plays & plays.
  6. Provide awareness training to the university & the local Community on the arts.
  7. Conducting a study of traditional folk arts & folklore.
  8. Establishing a library, providing services to users by organizing & preparing records for their content.